Lebensmittel Zeitung direkt is awarding the LZ direkt INNOVATIONCUP for outstanding product innovations in Germany for the third time. To determine the winners, the market research institute NielsenIQ BASES analysed roughly 30,000 new products that have made it onto food retail shelves in the last one and a half years..

The LZ direkt INNOVATIONCUP WINNER 2024 have not only convinced as innovation,
but also fulfilled the following criteria:

1. positive development for the brand or category

2. sustained success in the first two years after launch:
/ more than 1 million euros in sales in the first year
/ more than 90% of the previous year's sales in the second year (pro rata)

3. potential for a mass product or a successful niche product

The winners will be officially announced on March 1, 2024:
in LZ direkt issue 03/24 and on the website www.lzdirekt.de

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Hilke Waas
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