Regardless of temporary consumer moods, long-term development is sustainable. Sustainability therefore continues to set the direction of travel - in retail and in your company. LZ MEDIEN offers what both sides need: relevant information for retail decision-makers and maximum attention for your sustainability concepts.
Take advantage of LZ MEDIEN's sustainability highlights and position yourself as a reliable and strong partner when it comes to sustainability.
The following reports are planned, including:
It pays to be present. Because 91% of LZ readers from the retail sector have a very great or great interest in reading the next special topic "Sustainability" in the LZ*.
*Source: Center for Sustainable Corporate Management, Lebensmittel Zeitung (2021): Preliminary results of the joint study "Sustainability in the FMCG sector 2021". Basis: readers of Lebensmittel Zeitung in the WLK (widest readership) from the retail sector.